Advanced Riding Techniques and Exercises;

Starting and re-educating horses of all breeds and disciplines.

The moment we handle or ride a horse, we become our horse’s coach, their trainer and they become our student.

As the horse’s coach, it becomes our responsibility to develop our skills as communicators and as teachers to gain the necessary knowledge and to prepare our horse both physically and mentally, for whatever discipline we are training our horse for.

Level one.

This training programme teaches you how to become your horse’s ‘coach’ and trainer. when you ride a horse, it will feel like a ‘dance’, both the rider and horse moving together, and once you are proficient using my training method it will become a beautiful dance with your horse.

Like dance partners, it is necessary to work within a frame; to be centered and balanced, to know where to put our feet, and also how to move our body. We learn this dance, step by step.

This training programme is designed to set  both of you up for success, to do that we need to do to build a strong foundation/bond, to have a solid base of knowledge that will support you to the elite level in whatever discipline you choose.

This training method is also designed to find the missing link in both you and your horse. The programme can then be improved and any sequence can be added to help you improve your horsemanship.

My training provides you with a step by step exercise programme, which prepares you and your horse for that first ride and for all future rides, no matter what the chosen discipline.

This training method provides you and your horse with the knowledge, skills and tools, to become braver, stronger and more confident with each ride which then in turn gives you the ability to solve problems and move forward to become a better horseman.

By using my training method you’ll develop safety features that will keep you safe.

It is necessary for the rider and their horse to be able to control their emotions and energy levels, to be able to think inside chaos, this is how we as riders gain our horse’s respect and become accepted as their teacher and leader.

To learn more about my training method and how the dance with your horse works, please see the video and link below, there you’ll also find my Vimeo ‘videos on demand’, there you can rent or buy them, also, I offer my 4 part video training series on high definition DVD’s for sale, they are available on my new updated website which will be available soon, or you can buy them now on ebay …  if you wish the purchase the DVD’s earlier, then I have a special offer, just reply to this post and I’ll send you the special offer. I’ll let you know when my new website is available.

As always, I wish you all safe and happy riding, Shane

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